Take Action.

Donate to a Cause You Care About

We’ve made it easy for you to make a difference in Henderson. Make a tax-exempt donation using the button below, our GoFundMe, our social media pages, or old fashioned snail mail. No matter the way, we appreciate you.

Make a Donation

Write a Letter of Support

Do you think we’re on the right track? Send us a message with your support. We’ll include it (with your permission) in our grant applications and may share it with the community through social media or our website!

Get Involved

Looking for something a little more hands on? Even better! Send us a message and let us know so we can work together to make Henderson better. We need all the help we can get with pre-development, setting up programming, engaging the community, lobbying with local leadership, and more. We would love to find a place for you on our team.